Sights and attractions of Belarus by object type

In this section of the city and all the objects are sorted according to the what types of attractions and cultural-historical values ​​they contain, regardless of their location on the map. Thus, when choosing any type of attractions from the list below, you will be presented with a list of all the towns and villages that have this type of attraction.

  • Catholic churches

    Catholic churches of Belarus

    Catholicism began actively to spread in Belarus since the end of the XIV century, and left a mark on the Belarusian culture and architecture. Over the past century a lot of monumental historical architectural monuments were built - catholic churches, or, in other words, catholic temples. In Belarus Catholic churches are very diverse, but all of them are very beautiful.

    Hits: 12006
  • Orthodox churches

    Orthodox churches of Belarus

    A lot of Orthodox churches were built on this land since baptism of Belarusian lands at the end of the X century. Fortunately, even the most ancient of them have been preserved to present days. Today, orthodox Christians constitute the largest religious confession in Belarus, and we can find here a lot of beautiful orthodox churches, temples and cathedrals built in many different styles.

    Hits: 10885
  • Interesting objects

    Interesting objects of Belarus

    All architectural monuments and sights of Belarus on the site (and the main on the Map of Belarusian sights) are divided into three levels according to their importance: Outstanding objects; Important objects; Interesting objects. This section provides a list of all objects related to "Interesting objects".

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  • Important objects

    Important objects of Belarus

    All architectural monuments and sights of Belarus on the site (and the main on the Map of Belarusian sights) are divided into three levels according to their importance: Outstanding objects; Important objects; Interesting objects. This section provides a list of all objects related to "Important objects".

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  • Manors

    Manors of Belarus

    In Belarus, small landowners and gentry, built for living small cozy houses with several floors - manors. Normally, these manors were surrounded by a small park, and outbuildings were often located somewhere nearby. A lot of manors were built in Belarus, but only some of them are preserved in good condition to these days. These architectural monuments are important sights of Belarus.

    Hits: 6433
  • Historical buildings and other

    Other architectural monuments of Belarus

    Other architectural monuments include the following types of sights of Belarus: Gates, Bell Towers, Shopping Streets, Bridges, Banking and treasury, Prisons, Railway stations, Distillery, Tavern, Hotels and coaching inn, Unique monuments and memorials, Former and ordinary historical city buildings, and more.

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  • Chapels

    Chapels of Belarus

    In Belarus, chapels (Christian buildings without a special room for the altar), often a stand-alone buildings in towns, villages, on roads and cemeteries, on the places, where buried ascetics of faith, the miraculous icon or sources and others. In Belarus there are widespread private chapels, which were also used by their owners (usually magnates) as a tombs and house churches.

    Hits: 4458
  • Outstanding objects

    Outstanding objects of Belarus

    All architectural monuments and sights of Belarus on the site (and the main on the Map of Belarusian sights) are divided into three levels according to their importance: Outstanding objects; Important objects; Interesting objects. This section provides a list of all objects related to "Outstanding objects".

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  • Palaces

    Palaces of Belarus

    In Belarus, as in other countries, in the 17-19 centuries, magnates and big landowners were building palaces for themselves; palaces were often surrounded by parks. A lot of the palaces have been preserved in Belarus to the present days, but not all of these architectural monuments are in good condition. Today, a lot of palaces in Belarus serve people as museums, health centers, libraries, and so on. Palaces are important sights.

    Hits: 3202
  • Monasteries

    Monasteries of Belarus

    Belarus is a deeply Christian land; Christianity came to these lands more than a thousand years ago. During this time, a lot of residents of Belarus decided to dedicate his life to serving people and God. Thus, many monasteries of various Christian confessions were built in Belarus. A lot of them are unique architectural monuments of antiquity and the most important sights of Belarus.

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  • Mills

    Mills of Belarus

    Mill is a mechanism for the grinding of solid objects (in Belarus usually grinding grain into flour, situated in a separate building). There are widespread wind and water mills, but most of them weren’t preserved or were in very bad condition, as they often were made of wood or abandoned for a long time.

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  • Castles

    Castles of Belarus

    There was a fortified castle in almost every major city in Belarus in the Middle Ages. Most often, these castles were made of wood, permanent war and a time destroyed them. To the present days in Belarus there are only a few stone medieval castles, and later aristocratic castles. These architectural monuments are today the biggest sights of Belarus, and are particularly valuable in terms of Belarusian history and culture.

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  • Defensive and other towers

    Defensive and other towers of Belarus

    Guard or defensive stone towers began to be built in Belarus in the second half of the XIII century. This was due to the fact that at this time siege tactics was changing: passive siege was replaced by an active assault. Also at various times a lot of fire and water towers were built in Belarus. Unfortunately, there aren’t various towers in good condition in Belarus.

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  • Temples of defensive type

    Temples of defensive type of Belarus

    Throughout history Belarus has been shocked by lots of wars. Simple peaceful Belarusians had to endure most of the hardships and tribulations. These factors led to the emergence of unique architectural structures: temples of defensive type. In these temples civilians might hide without fear during the next devastating raid of enemy. A few such temples came in good condition to the present days.

    Hits: 2479
  • Other sights and attractions

    Other sights and attractions of Belarus

    In Belarus there are many interesting places and objects that do not belong to any of the other types listed here, but deserve attention. For example, are objects such as navigation channels, memorials and monuments, the arc of Struve, career, open-air museums, holy places and sources, antiquities, such as boulders or processed excavations of ancient settlements, and much more.

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  • Town Halls

    Town Halls of Belarus

    Town Halls are the buildings where the city council or other bodies of the city or suburban management and self-management met. In Belarus very few town halls were preserved, and some town halls have been restored from the ground up. Fortunately all survived town hall in Belarus are in excellent condition. These unique architectural monuments are the major sights of Belarus.

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  • Lakes

    Lakes of Belarus

    Belarus is rich not only for its architectural heritage but also natural. A lot of lakes are located on the territory of Belarus, not for nothing Belarus is also called "the land of blue lakes" or "Belarus-blue-eyed". Lakes of Belarus attract many tourists not only for its beauty, but also as an excellent opportunity to go fishing, or just have a good rest on the beach and swim in the summer.

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  • Rivers

    Rivers of Belarus

    Belarus is rich not only for its architectural heritage but also natural. Several deep rivers flow on the territory of Belarus. Until now, a lot of them are important transport arteries connecting the Belarusian cities with other countries and seas. Belarusian rivers attract many tourists for rest and fishing.

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  • Reserves

    Reserves of Belarus

    Belarus is rich not only for its architectural heritage but also natural. On the territory of Belarus there are a lot of woodlands, which are really big by European standards pristine, wetlands, river valleys and other parts of nature. A lot of them are protected by the state, i.e. are reserves. The reserves retained all the richness of the flora and fauna of Belarus, as well as the beauty of untouched nature.

    Hits: 2025