Zavosse - is a small village of Baranovichi district, Brest region of Belarus. The main attraction of the village Zavosse is Estate Museum of Adam Mickiewicz. Truth's sake, should immediately be noted that the Estate Museum itself is not located in the village Zavosse, and next to it, in the open field. This museum is a well-restored manor, the original of which was born in 1798, an outstanding Polish-Belarusian poet - Adam Mickiewicz.
The original manor house in the village Zavosse was built in the mid 18th century. Over the years, it changed hands several times. The most important event in the history of the estate, as has become clear is that Adam Mickiewicz was born here. Later, he came here often, and spent a lot of time here. However, this manor house was not his permanent residence. In fact, his childhood was spent in Navahrudak, that's where he was baptized and received his first education. By the way there is really preserved museum-estate of his name, where he lived as a child. And here is the original homestead in the village Zavosse was almost completely destroyed during World War I, and the rest made the time.
Only in the late 20th century on this estate again remembered. And in 1998, the 200th anniversary of the great poet Adam Mickiewicz, the place of his birth, next to the village Zavosse, was restored completely disappeared by the time the manor. Restoration of the estate was carried out with the financial support of the Polish government on the basis of drawings of Napoleon Orda and other artists. However, these images are transmitted only the appearance of the estate. Unfortunately, not preserved any documents describing the internal environment of the estate. Therefore, the basis for the description of the estate was taken Pan Tadeusz - the famous hero of Mickiewicz's poem. It is believed, in this poem, Adam Mickiewicz largely recounted their personal memories of his native land.
It should be noted that this restored manor house just amazing. When restoring the estate in the village Zavosse not use modern building materials, even the roof is thatched. Therefore, the manor of Adam Mickiewicz in the village Zavosse quite beautifully conveys visitors to the atmosphere of the late 18th century. So well-restored manor houses of this type and period in Belarus in all just a couple of pieces.
The museum complex in the village Zavosse plan repeats the traditional gentry manor house of the late 18th - early 19th centuries. In the center is the very mansion, in front of her - a small barn (on the second floor which has a summer room of Adam Mickiewicz), next - outbuildings. There is also a well - crane, a cellar and a bathhouse on the bank of a small pond. By a pond with bathhouse is a picturesque alley planted birches.
It is in this museum need to go if you want to see how looks and everyday life of the petty gentry in the late 18th century. In addition to the external appearance of the buildings in the estate of Adam Mickiewicz in the village Zavosse very well restored and interiors that also convey and complement the atmosphere of the 18th century, that prevails here. Inside the estate itself you can see a lot of antiques, and inside other buildings you can see a variety of household accessories of the era.
Adam Mickiewicz museum exposition in the village Zavosse interesting mainly by the fact that here perfectly recreated the life of the Belarusian gentry of the late 18th century. However, we must recognize that any significant historical and cultural point of view the exhibits here are not available. The fact that all of the original objects of the 18th and 19th centuries, stored in this manor was completely lost at the same time with the manor.
To date, there are only a few archaeological materials found in the excavation of the estate in the village Zavosse. However, these items directly to the Adam Mickiewicz do not apply and no special interest. Most of the exhibits were brought from Poland. These items are mostly modern reconstructions of old products or copies of original historical documents. In the museum you can also buy souvenirs and booklets in memory of the visit of the site.
However, all this does not diminish the value of the estate. This place is completely meet the expectations of tourists as great transports visitors into the atmosphere of the late 18th century and is very pleased with the quality and beauty of the work. A valuable historical materials, in fact, should be kept under heavy guard in major museums. In short, the museum-estate of Adam Mickiewicz in the village Zavosse - is totally unique, very interesting and memorable monument of Belarusian architecture, historical and cultural value and an important point of interest in Belarus. At this museum in the village Zavosse comes a lot of tourists, lies many hiking routes through it, all travelers, tourists and visitors are satisfied with what they saw. Residents of surrounding towns often hold wedding photo shoot here.
Great atmosphere reigning in the museum estate of Adam Mickiewicz in the village Zavosse also contributes to a quiet serenity of these places, the beauty of nature and fresh air. In addition, it should also be noted that the village Zavosse is less than 20 kilometers from the main highway of the country - motorway Brest-Minsk. Therefore, to call here very easily. And this makes sense, because the impressions and memories of the visitors only remain positive.