
Dastoeva - is a village of Ivanava district, Brest region of Belarus. Village Dastoeva remarkable mainly by the fact that previously there has always manor Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Dostoyevsky ancestors in the male line. Generally speaking, it is in this village and clan originates Dostoyevsky. Even the name itself is derived from the Dostoyevsky of the village. Dostoyevsky ancestors had the surname Irtisch, but after they got into the possession of the estate Dastoeva in 1506, they began to write first Irtisch-Dostoyevsky, and then did just Dostoyevsky. It was kind of typical woodland middle servile nobility, which had its own coat of arms.

Even the great writer in this manor and the village had never been. In the years of his life (1821 - 1881) in the village manor Dastoeva already belonged to other owners. Dostoyevsky had lost the estate in the middle of the 17th century. For some time, this estate belonged to the Orda, the great family of the Belarusian cultural figure - Napoleon Orda. At the moment, this manor house is completely lost. However, in memory of the fact that because of the Belarusian village Dastoeva occurs race Dostoyevsky, there is a monument to the great Russian writer - Fyodor Dostoyevsky. It should also be noted that the village Dastoeva has Holy Trinity Church, built in 1998. This temple can be of interest to some tourists and travelers in Belarus.

