Varacevichy - is a village of Ivanava district, Brest region of Belarus. The main feature of the village Varacevichy is that here was born and raised a great Belarusian cultural figure Napoleon Orda. Childhood of Napoleon Orda held in the estate, from which at the moment remained only foundations, but it was originally built in the 18th century. Today in the village Varacevichy on original foundations restored ancient manor of Orda.
Napoleon Orda (1807 - 1883) was a writer, a musician, composer, painter, sculptor and teacher, but he is best known for his cycle of drawings he made in the second half of the 19th century, and which depicted a plurality of first Belarusian but also Polish, Lithuanian and Ukrainian architectural monuments. These sketches he executed with great precision, as it really is possible to judge about how looked Belarus and the neighborhood in the 19th century. Some of the temples and mansions have shown they are completely destroyed and lost, and often in these cases, Napoleon Orda sketches is the only thing that allows us to understand how to look these or other sites. There are times when being the restoration of old buildings, and the only thing that is at the restorers is a sketch of Napoleon Orda, according to which the building and restored. Actually, it was and is the case with the estate of Orda themselves, which, as already mentioned, is now recovering in the village Varacevichy, and it is a drawing of Napoleon Orda.
In the meantime, the manor is not restored the main attraction of the village Varacevichy is Napoleon Orda Museum. It is this museum and depicted in the photos above and below. The museum exposition is presented mainly paintings and objects of everyday life of the 19th century and documents related to the life and work of Napoleon Orda. The building which houses the museum - modern.
The previous picture shows manor of Orda, which is currently being restored. It is also necessary to mention one more sight of the village Varacevichy. The fact that there is a Holy Cross Orthodox church built in 1874. Summarizing, we can say that the village Varacevichy and its attractions can be very interesting to a certain circle of tourists and travelers from Belarus, who are interested in the life and work of Napoleon Orda.