Miadzviadka - is a village of Karelichy district, Grodno region of Belarus. The main attraction of the village Miadzviadka are fragments of the estate complex of the 19th century. The main noteworthy of the estate complex in the village Miadzviadka is that here was born and raised Ignat Domeyko, famous Belarusian explorer and national hero of Chile. Unfortunately, this manor house is in poor condition. Manor house itself was not preserved. Well preserved one of the wings refers to the house (pictured above). There are also the ruins of several outbuildings. In the village Miadzviadka also has a memorial stone and a small monument Ignat Domeyko. Another attraction in the village of Miadzviadka is a wooden Orthodox church of the Ascension, which was built here in the early 19th century.