Žuchavičy Małyja - is a village of Karelichy district, Grodno region of Belarus. The main attraction of the village of Žuchavičy Małyja is the Orthodox church of the Nativity of John the Baptist. This temple was built of wood in the distant 1783. In the second half of the 19th century, the church was slightly rebuilt, in particular, a narthex and a bell tower were added. After that, the temple in the village of Žuchavičy Małyja was no longer substantially rebuilt or modified, but was only renovated as needed. The Orthodox church of the Nativity of John the Baptist safely passed through both world wars. However, in 1961, the temple in the village of Žuchavičy Małyja was still closed by the Soviet authorities. In 1989, the church was returned to believers, after which it was quickly restored and repaired.

Žuchavičy Małyja

At the moment, the temple is functioning for its original purpose and is in good condition. The Orthodox church in the village of Žuchavičy Małyja is located on a small hill near the road, a small staircase, built in our time, leads to the temple territory. This staircase very successfully fit into the landscape of the area and the general architectural ensemble of the temple, all of them together create an interesting whole picture with an emphasized desire to go up. The Orthodox church of the Nativity of John the Baptist in the village of Žuchavičy Małyja is an architectural monument of 18th century wooden architecture, historical and cultural value and an interesting sight and attraction of Belarus. It is also worth noting that in the village of Žuchavičy Małyja, several manors were previously located at once. Unfortunately, at the moment from these architectural and historical monuments there are only extremely unremarkable ruins.

Žuchavičy Małyja

Žuchavičy Małyja

Žuchavičy Małyja