Tarnova - is a village of Lida district, Grodno region of Belarus. The main attraction of village Tarnova is the manor, built here in 1884. Manor in the village Tarnova is an architectural monument of the 19th century, historical and cultural value and an important tourist attraction in Belarus. Manor in the village Tarnova has recently been completely renovated and is now in excellent condition. It should be noted, however, that we are talking only about the appearance of the manor house. The fact is that the interior of the manor is completely lost, as today the building of the manor in the village of Tarnova serves as a multi-apartment house.
Not far from the house is also an interesting windmill made of stone. Mill, as well as the manor was built in the late 19th century. The upper part of the wooden mill burnt down recently, so the wings themselves are not seen. In the village Tarnova survived several outbuildings previously refers to the manor, but they are not of particular interest to tourists. Also around the estate in the village Tarnova partially preserved park. Finally, it should be noted that at the moment the manor in the village Tarnova is one of the most well restored and, therefore, interesting tourist attractions of this type in Belarus.