Navahrudak - is a city of Grodno region of Belarus, the administrative center of the Navahrudak district. The town of Navahrudak is the first capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and one of the most ancient cities of Belarus. In Navahrudak there are a lot of unique architectural monuments and important sights. The main attraction of the city of Navahrudak is the castle, which existed here already in the XI century. In those days it was a small wooden fortification. In the XII century, powerful oak log houses were already erected and the first stone elements of the castle in the town of Navahrudak were erected, which are currently underground and serve as a reliable foundation for the surviving fragments of the castle.


In XIII-XVI centuries, this castle was repeatedly modernized, expanded, strengthened and completed, it was also repeatedly restored after the numerous wars in which it took part. Thus, his appearance gradually changed and by the end of the 16th century the Navahrudak Castle was a mighty and completely stone stronghold. Unfortunately, the Navahrudak Castle is almost not preserved until our days. In the 17th century it was severely damaged several times, and then completely destroyed by the Swedes in the early 18th century. From the castle in Navahrudak, only the ruins of two monumental towers, and partly the grounds of the fortress walls, have been preserved. Recently, the ruins of Navahrudak Castle were once again conserved. The way Navahrudak Castle looked during its heyday is best described by modern reconstruction of the appearance of the castle in Navahrudak during the Middle Ages (corresponding images below).


In the XIII century Navahrudak Castle was the residence of the Grand Dukes of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In the 16th century, the castle in Navahrudak was one of the largest defensive structures in Central and Eastern Europe. Nevertheless, in 1802 the Grodno governor gave an order to dismantle the fragments of the castle walls that had survived to that time to pave the streets of Navahrudak with the stone. Fortunately, until the last stone, the castle was still not dismantled. However, at the end of the XIX century on the territory of the castle in Navahrudak began to take from all over the city garbage, which covered a two-meter layer of ruins of ancient buildings. And only in 1921, when the city of Navahrudak was part of the interwar Poland, Navahrudak Castle was taken under guard. In the 1920s, Polish restorers carried out conservation and partial restoration of the ruins of the towers. In the Soviet era, the castle also remained under state protection, archaeologists worked there.


The castle ruins in Navahrudak is a prominent landmark, a very important historical value and one of the most valuable architectural monuments throughout Belarus. Fragments of the castle in Navahrudak located on a high hill, which is proudly called "Castle Hill", so the castle tower visible from far away. Approaching the Navahrudak and seeing these powerful towers, you can imagine how frightening and menacing once looked this monumental and impregnable castle.




Important sights of the city of Navahrudak, in particular, are several ancient temples with a very rich history. These temples are viewed by tourists as secondary attractions after the Navahrudak Castle, but it should be noted at once that the cultural and historical value of the Navahrudak temples is very high, and they also deserve the closest attention of tourists.

The first of such temples is the Catholic church of the Transfiguration of the Lord (also called "fara" church, ie the main one). This temple was built from 1714 to 1723 on the site of one of the oldest Belarusian Catholic churches founded in 1395, from which the new church inherited part of the foundations and walls. In the old building of this church in 1422 a historical marriage took place between Jagiello and Sofia Golshanskaya, which is described by a memorial plate embedded in the wall of the church. It was this marriage that became the starting point in the development of the entire Jagiellonian dynasty, which ruled in many states of Central and Eastern Europe in the 14th-16th centuries.

This Catholic church in Navahrudak is picturesquely located right next to the castle, on a small separate hill. In 1799 Adam Mickiewicz was baptized in this church. In 1943 under the walls of the church, 11 nuns were executed by the Gestapo, who in 2000 were declared martyrs and ranked as blessed. To date, their relics are kept here - in the active main church in Navahrudak. This church is an important architectural monument of the 18th century, a landmark of Belarus and is in good condition.




In the town of Navahrudak there is another ancient Catholic church - the church of St. Michael the Archangel, which was built here in the very beginning of the 18th century. This church was founded in Navahrudak at the monastery. Unfortunately, neither the monastery nor the monastery buildings have not survived to our time. From 1751 and until 1831, at the monastery, to which this church belonged, there was a school in which Adam Mickiewicz studied from 1807 to 1815. In 1948 this Navahrudak church was closed. The temple building was used as a warehouse and shop and was gradually destroyed. In 1992, the building of this church in Navahrudak was returned to the Catholic Church in a dilapidated state. Then the church was thoroughly restored, re-decorated in 1997, and today it is still in excellent condition and is open to believers and tourists. This church is an important historical value of the 18th century and a landmark of Belarus.




Another very important landmark of the city of Navahrudak is the old Boris and Gleb Orthodox church. This church was built in the town of Navahrudak in 1519. And at that time it had even some defensive functions. From 1620 to 1839, this temple was uniate and belonged to the monastery of the same name, from which until now one unremarkable residential building of the 18th century has survived. From 1961 to 1995 Boris and Gleb church in the city of Navahrudak was closed, and the building of the church housed a branch of the state archive of the Grodno region. In 1996 the church was returned to the Orthodox Church. In 2010, the restoration of this church was completed, which stood for five centuries. To date, this Navahrudak church is in excellent condition. Since there are very few preserved five-hundred-year-old buildings in Belarus, this church in Navahrudak is the most valuable architectural monument and a very important landmark of Belarus.


There is in the town of Navahrudak and another very remarkable temple, namely the Orthodox cathedral of St. Nicholas. The building of this church was built in Navahrudak in the second half of the 18th century. The construction was completed in 1780. Originally, this temple was erected as a Catholic church at the Catholic Franciscan monastery, founded in 1434. This monastery was abolished in 1831 after the suppression of the corresponding uprising. The temple was given to the Orthodox Church in 1846. Since 1992, the Church of St. Nicholas is the cathedral of the Diocese of Navahrudak, which was revived in the same year. This temple is also an interesting landmark, and enjoys the attention of tourists. To date, the cathedral is in excellent condition.


City Navahrudak famous for another reason. The fact that here spent his childhood Adam Mickiewicz - the great Polish and Belarusian poet. Here he was baptized, he got there first education. Now Navahrudak have a beautiful house-museum dedicated to Adam Mickiewicz. This house is rebuilt on the spot and on the model of the house where once lived the parents of the poet. The house itself, its internal and external appearance is very well convey the atmosphere of the first half of the 19th century, when lived and worked Adam Mickiewicz.

The Adam Mickiewicz Museum in Navahrudak was originally opened in 1938. During the Second World War, the museum was badly damaged, and was restored only to the centenary of the poet's death in 1955. From 1989 to 1991, the museum was reconstructed, but the modern look of the house museum was acquired only in 2001. In the collection of the house-museum of Adam Mickiewicz in Navahrudak there are several thousand exhibits. In the exposition of the museum there are documents related to the members of the Mickiewicz family and the poet himself, portraits of his relatives and friends, finds from archaeological excavations, books and textbooks, furniture, dishes, watches and some other everyday items of the 18th and 19th centuries, which used Adam Mickiewicz or his relatives, various, including rare and very rare editions of books of the poet.





In the city of Navahrudak and also has a monument to Adam Mickiewicz. Finally, in his honor in Navahrudak was poured out the Barrow, which is called "Barrow of Immortality" and situated on a hill near the castle. From the top of the mound has a beautiful view of the surroundings, which are seen at a very great distance. At least visually, this place seems to be the highest in all foreseeable areas.




As already mentioned, a very ancient city of Navahrudak. So of course there are still a number of interesting historical buildings. Among these buildings there are: railway station, shopping arcades and terraced houses. All of these objects belong to the late 19th, early 20th century. Also in Navahrudak is a small, but notable chapel built in 1858, and an ancient burial mound, which is called "The Mountain of Mindaugas". These small attractions complement the atmosphere Navahrudak as beautiful and ancient Belarusian town. Generally speaking, the city of Navahrudak, the pearl of the Belarusian historical and cultural heritage. Through this city are many excursions, it is actively visited by tourists. Here is where to stay and what to see, you can with great interest to spend here the whole day. In addition, it must be said that the city of Navahrudak, though not very big, nevertheless ready to offer tourists all the necessary infrastructure. Here there are hotels, and cafes, and ATMs and all other necessary facilities service.







Sketches of Napoleon Orda, Navahrudak:

Sketches of Napoleon Orda, Navahrudak

Sketches of Napoleon Orda, Navahrudak


0 # Josip 2018-02-02 04:12
Looks nice, too bad the the castle isn't preserved, it looked marvelous!
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