
Ross - is township of Vawkavysk district, Grodno region of Belarus. The main attraction of the township Ross is the Trinity Catholic church, which was built in 1807. This church is a monument of architecture of the early XIX century. The church in the township Ross is in perfect condition. But there are other attractions that can attract tourists and travelers. Once in the township Ross was a manor (shown in the sketch of Napoleon Orda at the bottom), up to now it has not been preserved, but kept some farm and residential buildings belong to her. Among these buildings, the most distinguished gardener's house (pictured below - left), and a water mill (right).


Also in the township Ross preserved Orthodox church. Orthodox church in the village of Ross, as a Catholic church, lit in honor of the Holy Trinity. This temple was built in the early XX century, and is also a monument of architecture.


In the township Ross there is also Catholic chapel built in 1903.



Sketches of Napoleon Orda, Ross:

Sketches of Napoleon Orda, Ross