Dzieraunaja - is a village of Stowbtsy district, Minsk region of Belarus. The main attraction of the village Dzieraunaja is the Catholic church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. For a long time erroneously believed that the church in the village Dzieraunaja was built as Calvinist Cathedral in 1590. But in fact, it was built in 1630's, and just as the Catholic church, and in 1590 it was only the decision to build this temple, and first base are made. In any case, this is a very ancient temple, which gives it a particularly valuable and attractive to tourists and travelers in Belarus.
Now the Catholic church in the village Dzieraunaja is a monument of architecture of Gothic and Renaissance, an important cultural and historical value and attraction of Belarus. In the second half of the 17th century to the church it was added brick tower. Entry gate, located in front of the church, was built in the early 19th century. And in our time, the church in the village Dzieraunaja has been beautifully restored, both outside and inside, and now serves the people for its original purpose.
Next to the church there are an interesting cross and statue of the Virgin Mary. One of the notable features of the church in the village Dzieraunaja is that it was here baptized Dzerzhinsky. Although it is clear that this event did not bring any effect in his future life. In addition, even at the local cemetery are the graves of close relatives and members of his family. At the same cemetery in the village Dzieraunaja there is also a small wooden Catholic chapel built in the 19th century.
Let's say a few words about the village itself Dzieraunaja. This is a fairly large and picturesque village. There is a school, a club, shops, village council, stadium and so on. Dzieraunaja village is divided into two parts by a small lake, which adds scenic beauty to these places. Many tourists and travelers in Belarus can be very interesting to visit this village and get acquainted with its valuable landmarks.