Smalyany - is a village of Orsha district, Vitebsk region of Belarus. In the village Smalyany has many attractions, but, unfortunately, almost all of them represent a ruin, or are in poor condition. The main architectural landmark of the village Smalyany are the ruins of magnate castle early 17th century. Life the castle was not long however, it was badly damaged in the wars of the 17th and early 18th centuries, and by the end of the 18th century represented the ruins. In addition, these ruins also were sold at brick. Up to now only the ruins of one of the towers of the castle. About how the castle looked like in its heyday can be judged only by the modern amateur reconstruction below. Condition of the ruins of the castle in the village Smalyany does not change for more than a century, but unfortunately its reconstruction is not expected, except not much even a trace at least some distinct conservation.
Another important attraction of the village Smalyany are, again, the ruins of the Catholic church of the Virgin Mary. Different sources indicate different dates of construction of the temple, from 1678 until the end of the 18th century. In any case, the church in the village Smalyany very old. Previously, the church was part of the monastery. Not far from the church in the village Smalyany preserved even monastic enclosure, substantially rebuilt in Soviet times under the economic needs, and now also collapsing. Like the ruins of the castle, the ruins of the church, apparently not particularly canned, restoration of the church in the village Smalyany also seems unlikely.
Another important attraction of the village Smalyany are the ruins of the Orthodox church St. Alexis, built in 1864. Next to the temple is also a small building that served as a chapel-tombs, built in the early 20th century. In contrast to the church and the castle ruins of the church in the village of Smalyany, apparently, tried to preserve, although full restoration of the shrine also seems unlikely. Both the temples in the village Smalyany suffered greatly during the wars of the 20th century, after which the Soviet government, and of course they did not think to restore, so they continued to deteriorate and reached our time in such a bad state.
Another attraction of the village Smalyany is quite unique and very valuable wooden Transfiguration Orthodox church built in 1710. The uniqueness of this church is based on two factors. First, the very fact that the wooden construction, which is more than 300 years, has survived to our time in such good condition, already striking. And secondly, it is one of the few wooden churches in Belarus in which, besides the main (top) of the temple, there is also a lower (kryptovy). That's how interesting happened in the village of Smalyany, old stone buildings destroyed and represent a ruin, a wooden church which is even older than some of them, is in good condition and fully operational.
There is in the village of Smalyany and several other attractions. Firstly, it is essential remodeled building of the estate of the late 19th century, which now houses the school. Near the manor house there are also several outbuildings belongs to the estate, most of which are gradually destroyed. Secondly, it is building a wooden mill from the early 20th century. Finally, in the village of Smalyany the tomb of Tomasz Zan - Belarusian poet and member of society Philomaths.