Pastavy - is a town of Vitebsk region of Belarus, the administrative center of Pastavy district. In the town of Pastavy has some very interesting attractions. One of the main attractions of the city Pastavy is known for all over the Belarus Catholic church of St. Anthony of Padua. This temple was built from 1898 to 1904. The fame of this church is connected with its very picturesque location. On both sides the church in the town of Pastavy goes around the river, and on the third side there is a small lake, which is also created by this river. Beautiful and very memorable views of this church through this lake are the visiting card of the town of Pastavy and the entire Pastavy district. A successful combination of the monumental forms of the church made of red brick, supplemented by the beauty of the mirror-like water surface of the lake and surrounding vegetation, is a unique and very colorful architectural and landscape composition. Pastavy church is also a high altitude dominant of the historical center and can be seen from many points of the city and its surroundings.

The building of the church was badly damaged during the First World War, but in the 1920s, when the town of Pastavy was part of Poland, the church was good rebuilt. After the town of Pastavy became part of the BSSR in 1939, the church was immediately closed. After the Second World War, the building of the church was first organized in a warehouse, and later - a shop of an industrial enterprise (the rest of the shops of this enterprise are still very close to the church today). In 1988 the church was returned to the Catholic Church. The church in Pastavy has been restored for a long time, but at the moment it is in excellent condition and is open for believers and tourists. The church of St. Anthony of Padua in the town of Pastavy is undoubtedly a very interesting tourist attraction, an important architectural monument of the early 20th century, a historical and cultural value and an interesting landmark of Belarus.




Another important landmark of the town of Pastavy is a very remarkable palace, the construction of which was started in 1788 and completed only in the first half of the 19th century. This palace (as well as the entire town of Pastavy in the 18th century) belonged to representatives of the famous magnates Tyzenhaus family. Many representatives of this genus were once well-known scientists, educators and reformers. For example, in their Pastavy palace, an excellent art gallery, a library and an ornithological museum were founded, and Pastavy itself was one of the regional scientific and cultural centers. The palace in Pastavy is quite large and beautiful. Pastavy palace is in good condition, its external appearance has not changed since the construction.

But the interior decoration of the palace is completely lost, and the internal layout is also completely changed. Today in the building of the palace there is a state medical institution. Earlier, to the palace in the town of Pastavy adjoined a park of about 10 hectares, laid in the 18th century. To date, the territory of the former park is densely built up with modern residential buildings and hospital buildings. However, it is still possible to find some fragments of this park, for example: canals, a pond, the remains of old lime avenues, some exotic and ornamental plants. Thus, the palace in the town of Pastavy is a very valuable architectural monument of the 18th century, a cultural and historical value of Belarus and a remarkable tourist attraction.




The next interesting landmark of the town of Pastavy is the Orthodox church of St. Nicholas, built here in 1894. The church in the town of Pastavy is currently in excellent condition. Pastavy Orthodox church, as well as the Catholic church, is picturesquely located on the shore of the lake (on its opposite side from the Catholic church). At the same time, the main facade of the Orthodox church in the town of Pastavy is facing the main square of the city. Thus, this temple is part of a very remarkable architectural ensemble, which includes a unique historical building of the central part of the city of Pastavy (this building will be discussed further on). Undoubtedly, the church in the town of Pastavy is a historical and cultural treasure and an interesting landmark of Belarus.



Another interesting attraction of the city Pastavy is a former water mill built in the second half of the 19th century in the center of Pastavy town near the dam-bridge over the river Myadzelka (which forms in this place already mentioned the small lake). This mill was large enough, stone, industrial scale. The ground floor housed the turbine and a multi-transmission, on the second - a millstone, the third auxiliary facilities. The building of mill in the city Pastavy is perfectly preserved.


It is also very interesting sights of the city Pastavy is a series of small buildings built in the second half of the 18th century, that form a wonderful ensemble of historic buildings of the central square of the city Pastavy. Earlier these houses were located retail shops, restaurants, small hotels, and they served as housing. Actually, now these buildings have the same functions. This architectural ensemble quite unique for Belarus and it is very interesting and valuable. There are several reasons. Firstly, most of the historic urban areas in other cities survived until the late 19th century, and here from the 18th century. Second, in other cities often remain isolated buildings, but here a complete architectural ensemble. The value of historic buildings of central square Pastavy is also that the example of this ensemble tourists can imagine, how in the 18-19 centuries looked like typical Belarusian town, because such an area (which served as a market) then there was in every major town.





In addition, it should be noted that the town of Pastavy, being the administrative center of the district, has all the elements of the basic infrastructure, as well as some elements of the tourist infrastructure. So, for example, here there are: a cafe, a hotel, shops, bank and post offices and so on. Thus, the town of Pastavy, with its many sights, is a very interesting tourist destination for travelers and tourists in Belarus.


