
Sharkaŭshchyna - is a small town of Vitebsk region of Belarus, the administrative center of Sharkaŭshchyna district. Unfortunately, there is no in city Sharkaŭshchyna major historical and architectural attractions. Among the existing attractions of town Sharkaŭshchyna deserves a special mention in the first wooden Orthodox church of the Assumption, built in 1912. This church is an interesting architectural monument of the early 20th century, the historical and cultural values ​​and features of Belarus. There in the city Sharkaŭshchyna also several other small temples, namely the Orthodox church of icon "Joy of All Who Sorrow", built in the late 19th-century, and Holy Cross Catholic church, built in 1999. Among the other attractions of the city Sharkaŭshchyna can also highlight another building of the former water mill, built in the first half of the 20th century.




